Monday, September 24, 2012

My political views

According to the Political Typology Quiz, I am part of the eleven percent of people who are "Disaffected". I do agree in part of what the results say. It states that I believe in the following: sympathetic to the poor, that the country can not solve many of it's problems and I am religious. It states who I am: a parent, did not finish high school and I'm struggling financially.

I have never shown any type of interest in politics. It might be because I don't understand them or maybe because I was a brought up in a family who was never involved or had an opinion in politics. I even had to ask my co-worker what liberal and conservative meant. Once again because I have no clue. Do I look at the news? Do I pay attention to what's going on around the world? Of course I do, but when it come to new laws or debates I completely zone out.

I don't mean to sound rude or unfortunately stupid. I just honestly don't care much about it. Why am I taking this class? I am going for a degree in Criminal Justice. Makes sense for me to know more about the government. So maybe taking this class is a way to broaden my views. A way to understand not only politics but the government and how it all works.

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