Thursday, October 4, 2012

Your cell information. Is it safe?

I read the article "Wireless Surveillance: Bringing the Fourth Amendment to the 21st century" on This article talks about how our cell phone information is given up to law enforcement very easily, most of the time without a judge's clearance. Congressman Edward Markey is against it. He initiated the bill "Wireless Surveillance Act of 2012". This bill caps how and why agencies can ask for. It would be required to get a signed sworn statement within 48 hours of receiving the data to justify the approval.

It's worth reading because you find out what's legal or not in regards to your cell phone. I'm sure everyone by now owns one, so this matter effects them. That is why I also decided to blog about this article and the fact that all other articles were based on the President's debate.

It's interesting because I had no idea our cell phone information was that easily available. I thought because there's so many laws in regards to wireless information, that there for sure would be one for collecting cell phone information. I personally wouldn't want any of my personal information out there. For it to be easily accessed in whatever time. As soon as I read the article I became pro the bill. I totally agreed that there had to be some type of authorization or approval before being able to get any cell phone personal information. I was discussing this article with one of my co-workers. I told her my opinion, I felt strongly about it. But after listening to her point of view and the reasons behind it. I started to re-think mine, I had to back track a little. She believes that there shouldn't be a need for authorization to our cell phone information. The article gave an example of how accessing this information is useful for kidnapping. She stated that by the time law enforcement gets the approval, they are wasting valuable time. An hour or so can make a huge difference in trying to solve the kidnapping case. As a mother hearing this made me think. I had to agree with her, she had a great example.

I came to the conclusion that there should be an approval to get access to our cell phone information BUT there should be certain clauses added to that bill. Certain situations like kidnapping for example would fall under the clause, where the time is vital to solve a case.

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